After your website has gone live, it still takes time and effort to keep it secure, updated and attractive. Many of our clients do not have the in-house resources to maintain their sites and choose to outsource the management to us instead.

We provide these services via monthly retainers or on an ad-hoc basis.

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Website Updates & Content Management

Keeping your site fresh with your latest offerings, product information and company news is key to to improving your visitor loyalty and search engine rankings. Content management is not simply a matter of cutting and pasting some text - it requires an understanding of layout, design and technical knowledge to be done properly.

We provide a single point of contact for all your content and user management requirements and ensure that your website is updated regularly, professionally and in a consistent manner.

Software Updates & Security

Like most software, the framework that your website runs on needs to be maintained and updated with the latest software and security releases. We stay up to date with current issues and threats to ensure that your website remains efficient, secure and stable at all times:
  • Framework Updates
  • Security Patches
  • Database Maintenance
  • Firewall & Virus Scanning

Managed Domain, DNS & Web Hosting

While all our hosting packages include a Client Console with which to manage the technical aspects of your hosting, domain and email accounts, we find that many clients prefer to let us handle these matters. The services we provide include:
  • Domains - registrations, transfers & cancellations
  • Email Accounts - addition, removal & management
  • Database setup & maintenance
  • DNS Records - setup & maintenance
  • FTP account management
  • Webserver configuration

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